Alenquer DOC

In the wine region of Alenquer it's located the single estate Quinta de Porto Franco where José Neiva Correia is born and continue the family tradition to create great wines.

Alenquer is a Portuguese wine region centered around the town of Alenquer in the Lisboa wine region. The region is designated as Denominação de Origem Controlada (DOC)after it was promoted from its former Indicação de Proveniencia Regulamentada (IPR) status. Located in a valley in the district of Lisboa, wine grapes are able to ripen easily and produce full bodied red wines that have a spicy, peppery aroma. The white wines tend to be dry with a creamy mouthfeel.

The principle grapes of the Alenquer region include Arinto, Camarate, Fernão Pires, Graciano, Jampal, Mortágua, Periquita, Preto Martinho and Vital.


To know more about this wine region visit the website of the CVR LISBOA: